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2. Master numbers six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.


1. Understand the meaning of the text.


4. A chant


3. Plural form of noun


2. Numbers from six to ten


1. How many…?


1.  Read the text

Finish the remaining activity in the activity book.

Lesson 12 How Many?


2.   Hold up the letter card U and read the letter a few times and make sure the Ss repeat after you. Then point to the picture as you say the word that goes with the letter. Emphasize the beginning sound of each word and get the Ss to say the sound with you.

Step 2. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. And then make them read by themselves.

Step 3. Write the letters on the Bb. The letters have arrows that show how and in what sequence to make the strokes. On the Bb, show the Ss how to follow the arrows to write each letter. Encourage hem to follow your motions and write in the air as you write in the Bb. Make sure they can write the letters in their exercise book in right way.

Step 4.

No. 4. What colour is it?

Point to the Bb, say “What colour is it?” “ It’s black”

Hold up a piece of paper and say “ It is white”. Point to a brown thing and teach the word brown. Then ask the Ss again “What colour is the Bb?” and something else. Encourage them to answer “ It’s black/white…..”

Step 5. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Step 6. Review all the names of colours. Divide the Ss into small groups and practice the colours, using the colour poster or objects in the classroom.

Step 7. No. 3. Favourite colour

Demonstrate: use actins and facial expressions and say “I like readers. My favourite book is readers. I like dumplings. My favourite food is dumplings.”

Step 8. Ask the Ss “ What’s your favourite colour?” Help them understand and answer the question. Ask the Ss to repeat the word favourite and ask questions using it.

Step 9. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Step 10. Story “Jenny’s favourite colour”

Discuss the picture first. Then play the tape as the Ss read along with the pictures. Discuss some words when necessary. The Ss only need to understand the main idea of the story, not every word. Have a further discussion about the story and ask some queations. Use Chinese and gestures when necessary.

What’s Jenny’s favourite colour?

Where is Jenny’ blue marker?

Why Jenny is happy?

Step 11. If time permits, do some exercise in activity book.

Step 12. Homework


1.   Use a alphabet poster to review the letters the Ss has learned.


  Warming up: 1. Greetings.

2. Review the drills

New lesson

Step 1. No. 1. Letters


