0  225442  225450  225456  225460  225466  225468  225472  225478  225480  225486  225492  225496  225498  225502  225508  225510  225516  225520  225522  225526  225528  225532  225534  225536  225537  225538  225540  225541  225542  225544  225546  225550  225552  225556  225558  225562  225568  225570  225576  225580  225582  225586  225592  225598  225600  225606  225610  225612  225618  225622  225628  225636  447090 

8. You can skate on the river. The ice on the river is over 1.5 ______________( meter) thick.


7. Can you guess who jumps _____________ (far) in the world?


6. Whose hair is _____________ (long) in your class?


5. Can you l ________the heavy box?



4.Zhai zhigang is the p____________of our motherland(祖国).


3.They looked at each other in_________(惊奇).


2. O __________people can also break the world record.



1. You can either p__________ the door open or push the door open.


M: Let’s go and have a drink of coffee.

W:  46

M: This is my third cup. I have 4 or 5 every day. 47

W: You should really try to drink less. There’s a lot of sugar in it,  48

M: I know. But I just can’t stop.

W: Have you ever tried to drink less?

M:  49 . But if I go a day without any coffee, I’ll feel terrible.

W: It sounds like you’ve got a big problem. Have you ever gone to see a doctor?

M: Never. I’ve thought about it,  50 I work all the time.


A. and it’s not good for your health.

B. How many cups have you had today?

C. Coffee is my favorite, you know.

D. but I have no time

E. In fact I have

第二卷  非选择题(60分)

