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1.   Understand the meaning of the text


3.   drill: What colour is it?


2.   three colours: red, yellow, blue


1.   six letters: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt


1.Read the dialogues in this unit. try to use them in your daily life.

Sing the songs. Try to learn some more English songs.


6.Practice the drills:

What are they?

Are the _______?

What colour is it?

Do you like_____?

I like ________.

And then make dialogue by using the drills.

  Step 3. Activity book.

  Play the tape and stop after each instruction to allow the Ss time to complete each exercise.

  Step 4. Role –Play practice.

  Encourage the Ss to make up some dialogues and act them out.

  Step 5. Sb16, Part 1. Finish this pert to review vocabulary

  Step 6. Part 2. Grammar in use.

  Explain the usage of be to the Ss, then finish the exercise.

Step 7. Part 3. Finish this part to review the drills.

Step 8. Part 4. Putting it all together. Finish the exercise with the Ss. Then encourage them to make some more sentences.

  Step 9. Homework.


5.Learn the clothes by using the pictures or real things.


4.Learn the seven days of the week. Sing the song about it.


2.Sing the ABC song.

t the numbers from one to ten. Sing the song “ Ten little Indians.”


1.Show the English letters cards and ask the Ss to read them one by one.

