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1. Read the text in this lesson


2.   Review all the words and letters the class has learned so far, using cards, pictures or real things.

New lesson

Step 1. No. 1. Review the letters A-N, using alphabet poster. Show cards with different letters to the Ss and make sure they read the letters correctly. Write the words on the Bb or show letters cards and read the letters for the Ss to follow. And then teach the words with the letter cards in it.

Step 2. Show word cards and teach orange, paper, queen, rose, school and tea. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning.

Step 3. Play the tape for the Ss to follow

Step 4. Write the letters on the Bb. The letters have arrows that show how to make the strokes. On the Bb, show the students how to follow the arrows to write the words.

Step 5. Hold up red, yellow and blue markers as you say the colours. Then write the words red, yellow, blue on the Bb. Make sure the Ss understand their meanings. Using real things in the classroom to practice the drill “What colour is it?”

Step 6. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Step 7. Practice in pairs, using red, yellow or blue things:

---- What colour is this?

---- It is _____.

---- How many colours are there?

---- _______.

Step 7. Activity book.

No. 1. Fill in the first letter of words that begin with O, P, Q, R, S and T.

No. 2. The Ss follow the directions to color the correct pictures. Teach the Ss the meaning of the verb by demonstrating on the Bb.

Step 8. Homework


Warming up

1.   Greet in everyday English and make sure the Ss can respond in correct way.


3.   Plural form of noun


2.   Three colours


1.   Six letters


3.   Master the drill: What colour is it?


2.   Remember the mastery vocabulary (Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, red, yellow, blue)


1.   Understand the meaning of the text


3.   drill: What colour is it?

