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1. Listen to the tape and number the right order. I’ll play the tape twice. Then check the answers.


2. T:Who has the different answers? Please give out.

S3: …

Step 5  Project  (Time :Nine minutes)


1. Let students finish 2 by themseves, then check the answers.

T:Now, please look at 2. I’ll give you 3 minutes. Then I’ll ask several students to give out your answers.

T: Stop! Who wants to try?

S1: …

S2: …


4. Read the passage again.

T:Now, let’s read this dialog together again.

Step 4  Practice (Time :Nine minutes)


3. Compare two groups, give claps to them for praise or courage.


2. Work in groups, divide the class into two groups. Show two pictures about pollution, then let students write short passages about them.

T:OK, please work in groups. I’ll give you 5 minutes.


1. Let’s read this dialog together.


1. Read 1a and finish 1b by students themselves. Then check the answers. Let students find the language points, new words and the sentences with indefinite pronoun and adverb.  

① a. something useful  something unusual   nothing serious  anything else
b.Everyone /Everybody is here. =Every one is here.
Everyone of you must go to school. ( × )
Every one of you must go to school. ( √ )
②As we know, none of us likes/like pollution.
  E.g.: a. None of those buses go/goes there.( go )
    None of us like/likes swimming.(like)
    None of the money is mine.( be )
   b.How many students on the playground?   None.
    Who is in that classroom?  No one.

Step 3  Consolidation  (Time:Ten minutes)


2. Show some pictures about the polluted environment and also ask them some questions.   E.g: T: Do you like it? Ss: No. T: Why don’t you like it? S1: It is dirty, S2: There are too much rubbish on the street . S3: …… (Present the topic,) T: Yes, they are polluted. None of us likes pollution.

 So everyone shouldn’t throw litter here and there, it’s a bad behavior.

New words:behavior  here and there

 Lead to 1a.

Step 2  Presentation  (Time:Twelve minutes)


Step 1  Review  (Time:Five minutes)

1.  Show the beautiful nature scenery pictures to the students and ask them some questions.   E.g:

T:Boys and girls, please look at these pictures carefully. Do you like it? Ss: Yes.

T:  Is it beautiful?


