0  225515  225523  225529  225533  225539  225541  225545  225551  225553  225559  225565  225569  225571  225575  225581  225583  225589  225593  225595  225599  225601  225605  225607  225609  225610  225611  225613  225614  225615  225617  225619  225623  225625  225629  225631  225635  225641  225643  225649  225653  225655  225659  225665  225671  225673  225679  225683  225685  225691  225695  225701  225709  447090 

4.  What’s wrong with him? His face is turning w_________


3.  I like the p_________flower called forget-me-not.


2.  Look at the b_______sky and the w_______clouds!What a fine day!


1.  You can’t cross the road until the traffic light turns g__________


Hobo:Which one do you prefer __________,blue or pink,Eddie?

Eddie:I___________wear blue ___________pink.I am he dog. Pink is a ________color.

Hobo:Really? I’m afraid I can’t agree with you sometimes. You see,there is ________pink.

(after Eddie wearing the blue one)

Hobo:look,blue____________________on you!

Eddie:But it’s a girl’s blouse!Oh,Hobo!


5. Mrs Brown is so old that she could do nothing. (同义句)

   Mrs Brown is       old to do      


4. There isn’t anyone in the dining room now.(同义句)

    There             in the dining room now.


3.(   ) The pair of trousers _________very nice.

    A. look like  B. looks  C. looks  like  D. look


2.(   ) There’s      with your son’s ears. So don’t worry about him.

A. nothing serious         B. something serious      

C. serious nothing         D. anything serious


1.(   ) I’d rather       than       .

A. read books; watch TV      B. reading books; watching TV

C. to read books; watch TV     D. read books; to watch TV

