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4. How do they find the pictures of Beijing?


3. What project are they going to work on?


2. Where are they now?


1. What time do Jenny and Bill meet to work on their project?


3.    We can also search the Internet and try to find what we want.

T: Great! We can do so many in the library. But if you and your classmate decided to meet in the library at 5pm, he / she doesn’t come. What do you think? Is it important to be on time? Why?

S: Yes, it is. Because if you are not on time, you will keep others waiting for you and make others worry about you, especially, you will waste others’ time. It’s not polite.

T: Sound reasonable! Jenny and Bill are working on their project. And here comes Danny. Let’s see what happens.



Ask students to read the short story and answer the following questions.

Show students the following questions


2.    We can find pictures, music, art and other materials we need.


1.    We can find some information about all kinds of subjects.


2. Duty report

T: From the previous class, we have known, Danny’s favorite subject is …

S: P.E.

T: Great! And how about Jenny’s?

S: Social studies.

T: That’s it! What countries have she learned?

S: She has learned something about Canada, Britain and Australia.

T: Good! Where did she get the information?

S: She’s E-mailed Li Ming to ask for some information about China.

T: Any way else?

S: On the internet. / In the library….

T: Beautiful!

Step II Reading

Ask students to read the short story and discuss questions in THINK ABOUT IT and questions given.


Ask students to discuss the first two sentences in THINK ABOUT IT and then ask some of them to give the answers.

T: So, in the library, we can work on our subject, right?

S: Yes!

T: And what other things we can do in it?

S: …

Sample answer:


1. Greetings


2. Make a timetable about yourself

Period 5 Looking for Lisa

Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

library, carry, noise, office, maybe

b. 认读词汇及短语

librarian, No noise

Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to learn to get information in the library and know what they should do in the library.

Learning ability goals学能目标

Help the students to learn to work with others and get information in the library and learn to obey the rules in library.

Teaching important points教学重点

Focus on teaching students to get information in the library and try to work well with others.

Learn to behave well (good manners) in the library.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

Help the students to learn how to work with others in a group study.

Teaching method教学方法

Reading, discussing, role-play.

Teaching aids教具准备

The multimedia computer.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和教学方法

Step I Lead-in

