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2. (让学生做1c。)

T: Work in pairs. Talk about what you can do at a party. Compare your answers with your partner’s.


1. (让学生听1a的录音, 完成1b。)

T: Now, boys and girls, listen to 1a again and match what they can do.

sing Chinese songs          perform ballet
sing English songs          play the guitar
dance the disco           play the piano


4. (看第二步黑板上呈现的关键词, 学生两人一组表演1a, 小组竞赛。)

T: Work in pairs, close your books, look at the blackboard and act out the dialog. The pairs who act best get two points. The better pairs get one point.

Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:15分钟)


3. (人机对话。)

T: Suppose you were Maria, listen to Jane and make up a dialog with her.   (Suppose you wrer Jane, listen to Maria and make up a dialog with her.)


2. (教师让学生擦去所标重读与语调, 先自读, 然后跟录音一起读, 逐句核对语音语调。)

T: Rub them clean, then read and check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by

sentence. Go!


1. (教师放1a录音, 让学生跟读, 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)

T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.


3. (将关键词写在黑板上, 呈现1a。)

sing Chinese songs-play the piano-dance the disco-sing English songs-perform ballet-have a good time

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:5分钟)


2. (听录音, 回答问题。)


1. (设置并板书听力任务。)

T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

Can Jane sing Chinese songs?
Can Maria dance the disco?
Can Maria play the guitar?


6. (下周日是康康的生日, 让学生们讨论自己表演的节目。)

T:   Next Sunday is Kangkang’s birthday. We plan to have a birthday party for him. I think I can sing an English song at Kangkang’s birthday party. Talk about what you can do at the party. Work in pairs like this:

S1: Can you sing Chinese songs at Kangkang’s birthday party?

S2:  Yes, I can. What about you?

S1: I can’t sing Chinese songs. But I can sing English songs.

S2: …

(学生可以借助黑板上的短语, 同桌对话, 互相回答。)

T: Well done! What can Jane and Maria do at Kangkang’s birthday party? Let’s listen to 1a carefully and anwer the questions.


Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:5分钟)

