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1. (复习2a宾语从句。)


 T: Read“Grammar focus”and make similar sentences, using these questions on the small blackboard. Work in pairs, please.


  I ask him/her whether people eat noodles in the north of China.

  Do you know whether people use knives and forks to eat in North America?

  I don’t know if it is polite to use both of them at the same time.



3. (选几对学生到前面展示。)

  T: Please come to the front and give us a“talk show”. Would you mind having a try? Who can try?



  T: Good job!

Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间: 10分钟)



2. (同伴互相讨论世界上不同地方的就餐习惯,完成1b。)

  T: Talk about eating habits in different parts of the world according to 1a. Work in pairs after the example.


  T:  Can you tell me if people in the southern part of China eat rice?

  S1:    Yes, I think so.

  T:  Do you know if it is polite for people to use a spoon or chopsticks at the same time in Korea?

  S1:    No, I don’t think so.



1. (朗读1a。从每组中找一两个学生根据小黑板上的问题,复述1a,给予评价鼓励。)

  T: Read 1a out loud, please. Then I’ll ask one or two students from each group to retell 1a

according to the questions on the small blackboard.


2. (听1a录音,完成下面的表格。)

  T: Listen to the tape, then fill in the form.

Eating habits
North America/Australia/Europe
Parts of India

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间: 6分钟)



1. (呈现1a。)

T: We reviewed the eating habits during a formal dinner. Do you want to know more about eating habits in different parts of the world? Now, please listen to 1a carefully and find out the answers to these questions.


What do people use to eat in North America?

What do people eat in the south of China?

What do people eat in the north of China?

What do people use to eat in the central and western parts of China?

In which country do people use fingers and bread to pick up the food?

What do Korean use to eat? Is it polite to use both of them at the same time?


2. (教师先示范,用手势动作加实物复习西餐礼仪。必要时请学生到教室前面表演西餐礼   仪。准备实物刀、叉、勺、餐巾纸等。)

       T: I have prepared these things (forks, spoon and so on) for you. First, look at me and see

what I do. Then I’ll ask some of you to come to the front and act it out.

Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间: 5分钟)



1. (以小组形式出现,让学生说出本话题出现的炒饭/面条/大骨面/snack/hamburger, etc.的做法,通过上述复习从而导入新课,指导学生完成4。提醒学生注意用下列各词。)

First, Next, Then, After that, Finally

       T: Work in pairs. Please use adverbs of sequence to retell how to cook fried rice/           noodles/snack/hamburger.

        S1: …

        S2: …

        T: Well done! Please turn to page 68. Let’s discuss how to cook chicken soup, and

write a passage. Finish 4.


2. (复习餐桌礼仪。)

T:  There are many tools used by people for eating, aren’t there? Can you tell me the names of

 the tools?

Ss:   They are knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, …

T:  I wonder if you still remember how to start a formal western dinner. Would you please tell me something about it?

Ss:   When you sit down at the table …

