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33.-You didn’t invite Mary to the ball?

-____ her, too?

    A.Must I invite                     B.Should I have invited

    C.Must I have invited                D.Should I invite


32.I only know we will have a League meeting, but I have no idea when _________ it.

    A.shall we have    B.will we have    C.to have        D.having


31.______ is known to all, the earth travels round the sun once every year.

    A.That          B.As           C.What         D.It


30.Many people in China are ________ a “Hope Project”, helping poor children to get compulsory education.

    A.taking on       B.taking out      C.working out    D.working on


29.But for the storm, we __________ a pleasant journey, but had to turn back halfway.

    A.would have     B.would have had   C.will have        D.had


28.I ________ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m.

    A.needn’t have got                 B.didn’t need to get 

    C.shouldn’t have got                 D.can’t have got


27.- What’s the matter with Peter?

- He was seen crying when he was coming out of the office.He ________ by the manager.

    A.may be scolded                  B.should have been scolded       

    C.must be scolded                  D.must have been scolded


26.- It _______ be Mr.Johnson who is in the office.

- No, it _______ be him.I saw him off at the airport half an hour ago.

    A.can’t ; can’t     B.must; can’t      C.must; mustn’t    D.may; mustn’t


25.--Was the test hard?

--The test was so hard that he ________ failed.

    A.almost        B.most          C.mostly        D.hardly


24.The computer is ________ to be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century.

    A.considered     B.regarded       C.expected       D.suggested

