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7. Play the recording again and encourage students to imitate what they hear. Ask students to say the words out loud. Remind them to vibrate their throats. If they put their hands on their throats they should be able to feel the vibration.


6. Play the recording for Part B through once and ask students to listen to the pronunciation of the 'th' in each word.


5. Read through the three steps to pronouncing the voiced/6/sound. Encourage the whole class to try vibrating their throats and pronounce the voiced sound together. This time they should be able to feel the vibration.


4. Play the recording again and encourage students to imitate what they hear. Ask students to repeat the words out loud while putting their hands on their throats.


3. Play the recording for Part A through once and ask students to listen to the pronunciation of the 'th' in each word.


2. Read through the three steps to pronouncing the voiceless/0/sound. Ask the whole class to pronounce the voiceless sound together. Remind them to put their hands on their throats to make sure they do not feel any vibration.


1. Write the letters 'th' on the board. Ask the class to pronounce these letters. Tell students that there are two different ways to pronounce the 'th' sound, the voiceless/0/and the voiced/6/.


3. To distinguish the voiced and the voiceless 'th' sounds

Teaching procedures


2. To pronounce the two 'th' sounds correctly


1. To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless 'th' sounds

