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3. Learn some expressions about the food festival.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ren’ai International School!

The first Ren’ai International Food Festival is now open!

Thanks for coming.

We’ll try to satisfy all the guests.

Let’s wish them success!

Enjoy yourselves!


2. Learn how to order and offer food and drinks.

Here’s the menu.

May I take your order?

I’d like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.

Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?

Anything else?

May I have the bill?

Here’s your change.

Thanks for coming.


1. Learn some new words and phrases:

lady, gentleman, on sale, satisfy, guest, menu, wine, soft drink, bill


2. Work in groups of four. Each student goes over one section of Topic 2. Summarize the language points and main cultural information. At last, report to the whole class and share the key language points and cultural information with them.


In Europe,there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.
In Korea, people use a spoon or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.
Would you mind if I learn to make it from you?
     Do you know whether or not it’s polite to smoke during a meal in France?
     Help yourself to some soup.





    T:Now, I’d like you to make a talk show or a cooking show. The host and the chef will tell us how to make a dish and also tell us eating customs or cooking culture you know about the dish. Would you mind working in groups and then give your talk show or cooking show one by one?


chop(切、剁),slice(切片),dice(切丁),carve(割开),sift(筛),wish(搅),mix(拌匀),drain(滤),peel(削),grate(磨碎),knead(揉),roll out(擀),crush(压碎),mash(捣泥),squeeze(挤),skewer(串),sprinkle(撒),dip(浸蘸),spread(涂),snip(剪)


sugar(糖),vinegar(醋),salt(盐),gourmet powder(味精),garlic(蒜),green Chinese onion(大葱),shallot(小葱),mash garlic(蒜泥),flour(面粉),paste(面糊),soda(苏打),butter(黄油,酥油),salad(色拉),oil(油),sauce(酱油)


stew(炖煲),stir?fry(炒),fry(炒,烧,煸),quick?fry(溜,熘),roast/toast(烤),quick fry…with vinegar(醋溜),steam(蒸),cook(烧,煲,煮)


1. In pairs, make two conversations.

①Discuss how to cook a kind of Chinese food or western food.

②Discuss the different eating customs in foreign countries.


6. Written work in 4b. Let the students try to use proper verbs and adverbs. Begin like this:

First, chop and wash chicken bones...

Step 5  Project


5. Play the tape. Let the students correct their answers.

Then play the tape again. Finish 4a.


4. Brainstorming: The teacher asks the students to think over the following questions:

Do you know chicken soup?

What’re the materials for the chicken soup?

Write the answers on the blackboard: chicken bones, onion

Teacher asks, “Do you know how to cook chicken soup?”

Then discuss in groups. At last, report their answers to the class.


3.Read 3 again. Work in pairs to act it out with object clause.

For example: A: What did you ask Tom?

B: I asked him what the most popular food was in his restaurant.


2.Read the interview note, then work in pairs to act out the interview in 3.

For example: Beth: What’s the most popular food in your restaurant?

Tom: Hot dogs.

