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2. (听3录音,并填空。)

T: Kangkang and Daniel talked a lot on QQ. It’s a pity that Daniel can’t come to the food festival. But he will send an e-mail later. Now let’s review something about Daniel and what Michael planned to do. Please listen to 3 and finish it. Two minutes later, I’ll ask some students to read the passage and check the answers.

Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)



3. (利用带有各国国旗的图片,练习1b中国家的名称。)

T: We have learnt many kinds of foods. Different countries have different foods. Let’s look at the flags of the countries and please speak out the names of the countries. If you can, please say as quickly as possible. If you can’t, you can look at the flags in 1b.



T: Match the foods mentioned in the conversation with the flags of the countries. Finish 1b.


Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间: 15分钟)



2. (小组活动。将不同的图片分发到学生的手里,图片里的食物就是要准备的食物并与文中的食物做替换练习。)

T: Now I’ll give you the pictures of different foods and then use them to practice 1a.


1. (教师放1a录音,学生跟读并用铅笔标出重读和语调。)

T: Listen to 1a and follow it. Please mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.


3. (让学生根据黑板上食物的名称复述课文。)

T: Look at the names of the food on the blackboard, and try to tell us what they will cook for the food festival. You can begin like this:

In the food festival, Kangkang will cook …, Maria will cook …, Michael will cook …, Jane will cook …


Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间: 5分钟)




 T: Who will come to match?

2. (再听1a录音,找出关键句并回答下列问题。)

T: Listen to 1a again, find out the key sentences and answer the following questions:


Does Michael have a sweet tooth?
What does Jane plan to cook?
Does Kangkang think Chinese fried rice and Japanese sushi are easy to cook?
What does Maria want to serve?




plan to do sth.
be sure that …



1. (听1a录音,回答问题。)

T: Kangkang and his friends are preparing for the food festival. What would they cook for it? Let’s listen to 1a, and find out the answers.


T: Please match Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael with the food they would cook. Now, let’s begin.


A.  chocolate cookies

B.  cheese pies

C.                curries

D.                beef curry

E. black bread

F. sushi

G. fried rice

H.                pizza


2. (用图片来呈现本课要学的食物名称。)

T: Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael will cook some food for the food festival. Can you cook something nice for it?

(教师任选一名学生问,学生可能不会说外国的食物,引导他说出中国的食物,如rice, noodle或dumpling。)

T:  Can you cook dumplings?

S6: Yes.

T:  I have a sweet tooth. I think I will cook something sweet.

(呈现American chocolate cookies并教学生读音。)

T:  I have more pictures about food of different countries. Do you want to see them?

(呈现Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Japanese sushi, South African beef curry and Russian black bread的图片, 并将食物名写在黑板上,操练几次读音。)

Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, South African beef curry, Russian black bread


T:  Read after me.

 (教师用图片快速复习所学食物名称。提示并引出I think beef curry is OK.)

T:  Now let’s review the names of food learned today as quickly as possible.


T: What do you prefer, beef curry or dumplings?

S7:   I prefer beef curry. I think beef curry is OK.

S8: …

T: Pretty well! / Well done!(鼓励发言好的学生。)

T: We have prepared so many kinds of food for the food festival. That’s good enough. I believe we’ll make a lot of money for Daniel Igali.


I have a sweet tooth.
I think beef curry is OK.
That’s good enough.
I believe we’ll raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.

T:  Read the sentences together.

T:  There are two sentences using object clauses. Can you find them?


Ss: Yes, I can. They are the second one and the fourth one.

T:  Good! Can you make a sentence like them?

S9: Yes. I think that …

S10: Yes. I believe that …

T:  Well done.


Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间: 5分钟)



Step 1  Review 第一步  复习(时间: 13分钟)


1. (复习一些中国食品的名称,师生用以下形式回答。)

T: What’s your favorite food?

S1:    My favorite food is dumplings.

S2:    My favorite food is ...

S3:    ...


T:        Do you know any foreign food?

S4: Yes, hamburgers.

S5: ...

