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2.Listening practice

Discuss with the Ss “ What ingredients do we need ?” and “how many or how much”, then have a listening practice of 2a. and then 2b.

. 设计意图:由水果沙拉的制作复习how many 和how much 的用法。强化重点,攻破难点。


1.Show the picture and say: We are going to talk about fruit salad. Do you like it ? To make fruit salad, what do we need ?


6.Drink the milk shake.


Step4 Practice

1a. Write down the words. 1b. Listen and number.


Step5.  Presentation

Pairwork:T: Tell your partners how to make a banana milk shake or strawberry milk shake . You can use these words: “ first, next, then and finally”.


Step 6 Play a game. How to make your friends laugh? Practice First…next …then… finally…

设计意图:采用TPR全身反应教学法,全方位的运动,全感官的参与使记忆更加顺畅。这样的活动能使学生在轻松活泼的气氛中学习和掌握知识。 Step 7.Presentation


5.Turn on the blender


4.Pour the milk in the blender.


3.Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.


2.Cut up the bananas.


Step 1 Warm up and lead in. Get the students to enjoy a piece of flash show. Greedy monkey .

Step 2 Revision

Show  pictures  and review  the names of some fruit.

T: Do you like fruit? What kind of fruit do you like?

What is your favorite drink? Today we are going to learn a new kind of drink--a banana milk shake . Do you want to know how to make it?


Step3 .Presentation(while-task)

T:Let’s see how to make a banana milk shake. What ingredients do we need?

Teach ingredient /yogurt…

What tools do we need? Teach  blender / turn on/cut up…

1.Peel three bananas


《英语课程标准》把“培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心,培养良好学习习惯和形成有效策略,发展自主学习和合作精神”放在了首位。依据课改的精神,我从以下几个方面对学生进行学法指导。 1、学习方法的指导  培养学生观察力,想象力,记忆力以及思维能力。用生动的课件调动学生的感官进行听说读写的训练。 2、学习积极性的调动    设置真实情境制作水果沙拉,为完成任务(描述食物制作过程)服务。把课堂变成有声有色的舞台,让学生乐学、会学到创学。 3、学习能力的培养   通过连贯的听说读写,游戏,竞赛等,培养学生的交际能力,发展他们的思维能力。 4、学习策略的指导  在课堂活动中把学生分成六人小组的学习小组,让他们围绕着课堂任务分工合作,在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识、技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。


3.游戏辅助教学。如在教学过程的第七环节,我教学生make faces来操练First …next ..then …finally.极大程度的调动了学生的学习积极性,从而熟练掌握了本课的知识点。

