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1.Books closed! Ask this question: Where did Jenny and Li Ming go this afternoon ? Listen to the audiotape.


1. Drill.

Teacher: I bought a ball at the store. Bought.

Students : I bought a ball at the store. Bought.

Teacher: We taught each a sport other. Taught

Students : We taught each a sport other. Taught

Teacher: I thought I could hit the ball. Thought.

Students: I thought I could hit the ball. Thought.

 Step 3: Practice


4. Play “ What’s wrong?” to review past-tense, present-tense and future-tense verbs.

Key Concepts

Bought, taught, thought.


Step 1: Presentation

Bring a ball to the class.

Teacher: Look! This is a ball. I bought it at a store this morning. And I taught my friend to play with the ball. I thought it was easy, but it was hard.

Step 2: Practice


3. Play “ A Matching Game” to review past-time, present-tense and future-tense verbs. Show a slide as follows:

yesterday  today   tomorrow

worked   walk   be going to laugh

ate     go    be going to jump

laughed   jump  be going to play

jumped   skate  be going to help

went    work   be going to walk

saw    eat   be going to see

washed   play   be going to eat

helped   help   be going to skate

played   see   be going to wash

skated   laugh  be going to work

walked   wash   be going to go

As each student makes a match he or she says “ Yesterday I __________ . Today I _________. Tomorrow I _____________.”


1. Greeting


2. remember the past-tense form of the words: teach, think, bring.

Key points:  express how to talk about the things in the past.

Difficult points: express how to talk about the things in the past.

Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a ball, flashcards and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class Opening


4.Preview Lesson 51.

Lesson 51  Where Did They Go?

Teaching Objectives: 1. understand the meaning of the text


3. Play “Opposites” with your partner.


2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.


1.Finish off the activity books.

