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2.Point to the blanks in the chart.Describe Johnny before and now. Point out the simple answer.

Step7  Section B 3b

3b is an article provides guided writing practice using the target language, point out the numbered blanks in the paragraph.

Step8  Eye-witness

目 的:模拟交际:目击证人向警方提供疑犯情况,巩固用英语描述人体部位和外形特征


材 料:Student A信息卡、Student B 调查表

语言技能:Listening, reading, speaking and writing

语言知识:What does he/she look like? He is tall and thin/medium height/medium build. His hair is straight/curly/black/brown/blonde/short/long. He has big eyes/a round face/moustache… He is wearing…

活动形式:Pair work: A-the eyewitness; B-the police officer


(1)教师布置任务,提出具体要求,并创设一个情景: A目睹一女孩被人绑架,案发后B来向目击证人A调查疑犯情况。

(2)教师发给每位 eyewitness信息表,让其仔细观察疑犯的外貌特征,回收信息表;同时发给每位police officer调查信息表并思考如何提问完成表格;(要求A、B两人不能互看资料)




Step9  homework


1.Read the magazine article to the class.And find the difference between the two pictures of Johnny Dean.


2.This time your job is to write what each person looks like. Point to the heading "looks like".

Check the answers.

Johnny Dean
Tina Brown
rocker singer
movie actor
Looks like
tall, thin, long curly hair, glasses
medium height, long blonde hair

Step6  Section B 3a


1.Your job is to write the job each person does. Point to the heading "Job" on the chart. 2times. Check the answers.


2.Let the students talk about some changes.

(老照片与现在的我对比。Height , hair, build, wear glasses etc.)

Step4 My new look

学生出示二十年后的new look并描述他自己的new look.

Step5 Listen (Section B 2a and 2b)

You will hear Maria and Danny talking about Tina Brown and Johnny Dean.


1.Ask the students to describe my old photo.



IV. 教学设计:

Step1 organization 1’

organize Ss by showing a picture taken about ten years ago.

(Let the students guess who was me in the picture.)

Step2  a song <<It’s nice just to be me.>>

Why do most people can find themselves(他们自己) in a picture first?

Please enjoy the song and answer my question.

Step3 Free talk


II.教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和熟练掌握描述人物外貌的方法并能灵活运用于生活中。


3.情感态度目标: 1)通过描述同学、教师或自己的偶像的外貌,简单地表达自己的观点或好恶,学会交换不同的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人。2).培养正确的审美观。

