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3. Homework:




Whose jacket is this?
Section D
Important sentences:                      Useful expressions:
1. He is tall and has brown hair.              5.-Whose cap is it?
2. He has small eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth.  -It’s Sally’s.
3. He is in black.                        6.-Whose apples are these?
4. Please help us find him.                    -They’re their apples/theirs.                                         
                                     7. I think it’s Kangkang’s.
                       8.We look the same, but we are
in different clothes.


2. (设计活动,听词造句比赛。操作形式:(1)以组为单位;(2)链条式进行;(3)教师给出一个词,要求学生在一分钟之内完成一个句子,在规定时间内完成的学生坐下;(4)哪一个组坐下的人多哪一组获胜。通过竞赛活动进一步巩固本单元的词汇及句式,融入竞争意识,调动学习情绪,培养学生捕捉信息、拓展思维的能力。)

T:    OK, class. Are you ready? Now begin!

T:    Jacket. (从第一组的竖排第一名学生开始。)

S1: My jacket is blue. / This jacket is mine.

T:    Yours.

S2: Is this pen yours?

T:    Whose.

S3: Whose book is this?

T:    Tall.

S4: Is he tall or short? / I’m tall.

T:    …

S5: ...


1. (让学生拿出上节课布置要带的画画工具,按要求做:(1)在白纸上画出一个你喜欢的人,最好是全身像,然后涂上颜色;(2)5分钟内完成作品,然后四人一小组,谈论你所画的



T:    Is he/she your classmate?

S1: Yes, he/she is.

T:    Does he/she have a round face/long hair?

S1: Yes, he/she does.

T:    What color are his/her pants/shoes?

S1: They are ...

T:    Oh. Is this picture yours?

S1: Yes, it’s mine.

T:    Oh, it’s very beautiful. You’re clever.

S1: Thanks.


3. (完成4b,放录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调,然后教师用幻灯片出示练习。)

    Ⅰ                 Ⅱ
1. Is this cap yours?               a. They are ours.
2. Whose eraser is this?                b. Yes, it’s mine.
3. What color is this jacket?             c. No, they aren’t.
4. Which one?                   d. I think it is Kangkang’s.
5. What does he look like?             e. It’s black.
6. Are these her apples?            f. He has a round face.
7. Whose apples are these?             g. The green one.


Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)


2. (放4a的录音,跟读,然后用幻灯片出示练习。完成4a。)

(1)-Excuse me, Tom. Is this   1   cap?
-No.  2   is blue. I think it’s   3  .
-Kangkang, is this yellow cap   4  ?
-Yes, it’s   5   cap.
(2)-Whose bags are these?
-I think they are   6  .
-Excuse me. Are these bags   7  ?
-Yes, they are   8  . The black one is Lucy’s. The brown one is   9  .



1. (听录音3,跟读并模仿。4人一小组,用自己的实物进行对话操练。)


S1: Excuse me, S2. Is this your book?

S2: No, it isn’t mine.

S1: Whose book is this?

S2: I think it’s S3’s.

S1: Excuse me, S3. Is this book yours?

S3: Yes, it’s mine.

S1: Here you are.

S3: Thank you. Whose pen is this? Is it yours, S4?

S4: No, I think it’s S1’s.

S3: Excuse me, S1. Is it yours?



5. (学生两人一组,运用whose句型谈论3中四幅图画的内容。)

T:    Whose pencils are these?

Ss: They are Michael’s.

T:    Whose ruler is this?

Ss: It’s Peter’s.

T:    Whose knife is this?

Ss: It’s Jane’s.

Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)


4. (听3录音,完成练习。)


3. (学生根据老师的提问,两人一组对话。)


2. (教师连珠炮式地根据2内容提问,要求每个学生用一句话回答一个问题。)

T:    Where is the man from, S1?

S1: He’s from Canada.

T:    Is he twenty-one years old?

S2: No, he isn’t.

T:    How old is he?

S3: Twenty.

T:    Is he tall?

S4: Yes, he is.

T:    What color is his hair?

S5: ...

