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3. Get students to know how to take care of themselves and others.


2. Go on learning some modals for giving advice:

(1) You’d better go to see a doctor.

(2) Why don’t you have a good rest?

(3) You shouldn’t eat hot food.

(4) You’d better not drink cold water.

(5) You should lie down and rest.


1. Learn some useful words and expressions:

pale, terrible, medicine, day and night, feel like doing, lie down, candy, brush, tooth (teeth), Internet, care, take care of


3. Homework:



You’d better go to see a doctor.


What’s wrong/the matter with …?
You should see a dentist.
You shouldn’t/should not …
I hope you’ll be well soon.
I’m sorry to hear that.
Section A


have a

take a rest

boiled water


2. (进行一项关于同学上次所患疾病情况的调查,填写表格。教育学生照顾自己,关爱他人。)



1. (完善对话,提高口语表达能力。)

  T: Please make a dialog like the example, then act it out.


S1: Ouch! (手摸脸,假装疼痛的样子。)

S2: Do you have a toothache?

S1: Yes.

S2: Oh, you should see a dentist.

S1: Good idea. Thank you.

S3: Ouch! (手摸后背。)

S4: Do you have a backache?

S3: Yes!

S4: Oh, you shouldn’t lift heavy things.

T: Well done! Thank you.


3. (播放4录音,完成4。)

T: Then please listen to the conversations in 4 and number the following pictures by yourselves.

Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)


2. (完成3a和3b。)

  T: Finish 3a in pairs, then act them out.


1. (营造英语气氛,激发学生学习兴趣,同时完成2。)

T: I’m pleased with your dialogs. I’m sure you can do it better, OK?


T: Now ask and answer according to these cards. Please use “what’s wrong/the matter with …?” “He has / She has…”  “He / She should / shouldn’t …”

a cough
see a doctor

a stomachache
take some pills
the flu
have a good rest

T: Now, stop here. Please come to 2 and practice in pairs.



3. (通过练习,巩固并运用新词及should/should not。)

T: Let’s play a game, OK? The game is “who is the best doctor?”


T: Suppose you are a doctor, and I’m a patient.


T: What’s wrong with me? (假装眼疼)

S1: You have sore eyes. (老师帮其回答。)


sore eyes

You shouldn’t read too long.

T: What’s wrong with me? (假装胃疼)

S2: You have a stomachache. (老师帮其回答。)


a stomachache

You should take some pills.

T: What’s wrong with me? (假装发烧)

S3: You have a fever. (老师帮其回答。)


a fever

You should drink lots of boiled water.

T: What’s wrong with me? (假装背疼)

S4: You have a backache. (老师帮其回答。)


a backache

You shouldn’t lift heavy things.

T: What’s wrong with me? (假装流感)

S5: You have the flu. (老师帮其回答。)


the flu

You should have a good rest.

T: What’s wrong with me? (假装头痛)

S6: You have a headache. (老师帮其回答。)


a headache

You should stay in bed and have a good sleep.

T: Good, you are very clever.


T: Let me see. Oh, Doctor 5 is the best. Congratulations to him / her!



  T: Follow the example to make dialogs with your partner and then act them out.


Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:15分钟)

