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2.    practice the questions into pairs.

homework: finish the reading book.


1.    answer the five questions.


5.Ask each group to swap its pictures with another group. That group votes to decide which of the three copies looks most like the original picture. The student who drew that copy is the winner.

step3 P46


4.Ask the other three students in each group to listen to the description and draw the person. You may wish to have them listen to the description several times.


3.Ask each student to draw a picture without letting ,anyone else see it.

Have students get into groups of four. Tell the students in each group to give themselves numbers from 1 to 4.


2.Read the instructions. Check to see that students understand how the game is played.


1..Read some of the completed descriptions to the class and have students guess who the person is.

  This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.


1.    Dictate some target sentences:

What do you look like? I'm short. And I have curly hair.

What do they look like? They're medium height. And they have short hair.

What does he look like? He's heavy and he wears glasses.

What does she look like? She's thin and she has long hair

.step 2 game


4.As students write, move around the room answering questions and offering language support

.Homework: recite 3a

The six period  self check



3.Ask what new words students want to use in their descriptions. When you understand what a student wants to say, write the word on the board, explain it to the class and have the class repeat it. Limit this to two or three new words.

