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1.(1) Learn the phonetics:

/aI/  /I/

(2) Learn a useful word:



3. Homework:


①一件白色的衬衫   ②一件黄色的上衣    ③迈克的夹克衫

④找不到       ⑤三个蓝色的球     ⑥教师的书


①彩笔  ②白纸  ③硬纸板


Section D

The main activities are 1, 2 and 5. 本课重点活动是1,2和5。




1.(设计小组活动: 谈论自己的文具。)





① This is my/your pen/ruler/book/pencil …

② The pen/ruler/book … is mine/his/yours.

③ Mine is big/long/blue …



2.[在上面的活动中同学们都非常积极热情,教师要对学生们的表现给予鼓励表扬,接下来带学生们做一个找东西的游戏,目的是:(1)更充分的练习所学习过的知识点:①选择疑问句;②whose 开头引导的特殊疑问句及物主代词的名词性和形容词性。(2)在活动中培养学生助人为乐和互助互爱的精神。]

T: OK. Let’s play a game. “Help me, please! I can’t find my shoes!”


T: Where is my book? I can’t find my book.

Ss: Oh. It’s here.

T: Oh, sorry, it is not mine.

S11: Look, whose book is this? Is it yours?


T: Oh, thank you. It’s mine.

(呈现单词can, find及否定: can’t find。)


(1)S12: Where is my pen? Help me, please!I can’t find my pen.

S13: What color is your pen?

S12: My pen is black.

S14: Whose pen is this? Is this yours?

S12: Oh, it is mine. Thank you.

(2)S15: Whose coat is this?

S16: I think it is SF’s.

S17: No, it’s not mine. I think it’s his.

(2)    S18: Are these your shoes, ×××?

S19: Yes, they are.

S18: Here you are.

S19: Thank you.

Step 5  Project  第五步  综合探究活动 (时间: 8分钟)



     T: Whose ruler is this?


S1: It’s my ruler.

T: Is it blue or green?

S1: It’s …

T: What color is your jacket?


S2: It’s … and …

T: Is … tall or short?


S3: He is tall.

T: What does he look like?

Ss: He is tall with black hair/a round face.

T: What’s this?


S4: It’s a coat.


T: What color is your coat?

S5: It’s brown and yellow.

T: What color do you like?

S6: I like green and white.

T: What’s your favorite color?

S7: My favorite color is …

T: Are these books yours?


S8: Yes, they are.

T: Are those books yours?


S8: No, they are not mine.

T: Whose books are those?

S8: I think they are hers.


S9: What’s this?

S10: It’s …

S9: Is this yours?

S10: Yes, it is. / No, it is not mine.

(有5个小组以上的同学表演之后,小组讨论完成3a Work alone。 然后由学生读出答案,教师将正确的答案板书在黑板上。)

e,a,  b,  d,  c



     T:  OK, look at these pictures, please read after me.


These are our bags.

They are ours.


Those are your shoes.

They are yours.


This is his food.

It’s his.


These are her balls.

They are hers.

food /fU:d/  ball /bR:l/

(2)(在课件巩固练习之后,给学生两分钟完成书上的2, 教师巡视检查完成的情况。)

Step 4  Practice  第四步 练习 (时间:12分钟)


1.(1)(学生不看书听录音1a,训练学生的听力及记忆力,然后完成1b Work alone,培养学生的知识整合、语言运用和口语表达的能力。)

T: Listen to the dialog, then complete the sentences.


It’s a blue jacket. It’s not Michael’s.
His is here. It is not mine. It isn’t Kangkang’s, either.
 His is blue and white.
Then whose jacket is it? I think it is Li Ming’s.

(2)T: Role-play the dialog.

S1: …

S2: …

S1: …

S3: …



T: Listen to the tape and read after it. Then answer the following questions:

(1)Is this jacket Michael’s?

(2)Is this jacket Kangkang’s?

(3)What color is Kangkang’s jacket?

(4)Whose jacket is this?


(1)No, it’s not Michael’s jacket.
(2)No, it’s not Kangkang’s jacket, either.
(3)Kangkang’s jacket is blue and white.
(4)I think the jacket is Li Ming’s.
jacket /5dVAkIt/    either/5BIT[(r)/

Step 3  Consolidation  第三步  巩固 (时间:10分钟)


3.(师生互动,使用不同的物品对话。目的: 复习物主代词,呈现新知识导入新课。)

T: You acted very well just now. OK. Let’s review some words of adjective and possessive pronouns.

T: Whose pencil is this?

S6: It’s my pencil. It’s mine.

T: Are these your books?

S7: Yes, they are. They are mine.

T: Is this your ruler?

S8: No, it is not mine. I think it is his.

T: Is this cap yours?

S9: No, it is not mine. I think it is Wang Li’s.

T: Is this eraser yours?

S10: No, it’s not mine. My eraser is black. I think it is Wang Lan’s.




T: What’s this?


T: It’s a jacket.

Ss: It’s a jacket.


T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a jacket.


T: What color is this?

Ss: It’s …

T: Is this jacket yours?


S11: No, it’s not mine.


T: Whose jacket is this?


T: Is this yours, …?


S12: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here.


I think it’s …’s.

T: …, is this your jacket?


S13: No, my jacket is … and …  This one is …

I think it is …’s.

T: Oh, this jacket is not …’s. It isn’t …’ s, either.


T: Whose jacket is this?

Ss: It's Wang …’s.

T: Whose book is this? (教师拿起自己的书来问。)

Ss: It's yours. / It’s teacher’s.


jacket, I think it’s Kangkang’s.


T: Whose book is this? (教师拿起自己的书。)

Ss: It’s your book. It’s yours.

T: It’s my book. It’s mine.

T: Whose pencil is this? (拿起一位学生的铅笔。)

Ss: It’s his pencil. It’s his.

T: Whose ball is this? (拿起地上的足球。)

Ss: It’s our soccer. It’s ours. (教师指导学生说出来。)

T: OK. You are very clever.


S14: This is my eraser. It’s mine.

S15: That is his eraser. It’s his.

S16: This is my book. It’s mine.

S17: That is her book. It’s hers.

S18: These are my shoes. They are mine.

S19: Those are his shoes. They are his.

S20: This is our classroom. It’s ours.


ball,  food

These are our bags. Those are your shoes.
They are ours. They are yours.
This is my book. This is his ball.
It’s mine. It’s his.
This is her apple. Those are their rooms. It’s hers. They are theirs.

(※ 形容词性物主代词后面要跟名词)

Step 2  Presentation  第二步 呈现 (时间:5分钟)

