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4. How wide, your        5. What; look


5. When was your son born?


4. What color is your new watch?


3. Is Kangkang’s present round?


2. What’s the shape of your present?


6. present       7. shape     8. ago       9.dolls      10. Square


    My name is Sandy. Today is my birthday. Dad and Mom ___1___ me a big cake. I like cakes very much. On the table in my bedroom, you __2__ see my cake and find my name on it. There are other things ___3____ my birthday. They are apples, pears and bananas, but I would __4__ to have something to drink now. my friends Bill and Sam are coming, and I like to enjoy the food __5__ my friends.

    1. A. buy     B. sell       C. find      D. want

    2. A. don’t    B. can’t      C. do       D. can

    3. A. as      B. at           C. in           D. for

    4. A. like     B. want      C. get       D. put

    5. A. with        B. and       C. for       D. at


10. We _____ MP4 _______ ________(用来听) to pop music.


9. The computer is _______ ________ _______(26厘米宽).

