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2. (看1a图画, 听录音, 回答问题。)

When couldn’t Jane fly a kite?
How old was Maria when she could dance?
What is Kangkang good at?
What is Michael good at?

T: Look at the picture. Listen to the tape and answer the questions on the blackboard.


1. (教师设计过去时间状语并板书, 用来导出过去能做某事用could及不能做某事couldn’t


T: Suppose I could do something one year ago/when I was five, how to express? Look at the blackboard.

could swim       one year ago 
could not ride a bike two years ago
couldnt fly a kite  when I was five
could play table tennis yesterday


T:   Now, please speak out what you could do or could not do in the past according to the sentences on the blackboard.

S1: I could swim one year ago.

S2: I could fly a kite two years ago.

S3: I could ride a bike when I was twelve.

S1: I couldn’t speak Japanese when I was four.

S2: I couldn’t sing songs when I was three.

(教师引导学生自己造句子, 分男女两组轮换造句。呈现1a部分的句子, 练习could和


Boy1: I could play the piano when I was five.

Girl1: I could dance when I was five.

Boy2: …

Girl2: …


3. (在前面句子的基础上, 回答时加入a little, very well, not very well, not at all。)

T: Please make sentences with these verbs when you see them on the card.

For example:

T: This one.

S1:  I can draw pictures very well.

S2:  I can’t write books at all.

Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:10分钟)


2. (教师快速更换动词卡片, 学生快速抢答。)

T: Look at my cards, the first one, please.

Ss: Draw pictures.

T: The second one.

Ss:  Speak English.



Step 1  Review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)

1. (师生共唱“I Can Sing It Well”这首歌。)

T: Let’s sing I Can Sing It Well together.

Can you swim? Yes, I can. Go.

Ss:  Can you swim? Yes, I can…




3.Talk about ability and inability:

(1)She can fly kites very well now.

(2)-Can she perform ballet very well?

-Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.

(3)Michael is good at basketball.

(4)Zhang Jun can ride a bike this year, but he couldn’t ride a bike a year ago.


2.Talk about the past form of modal verb“can”:

(1)But one year ago, she couldn’t fly a kite at all.

(2)But when she was five, she could only dance a little.


1.Learn some new words and phrases:

tennis, write, still, table tennis, be good at, have a good time

