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2. Homework:

(根据自己过生日的情景, 做一个报告。)

Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。


1. (完成3。)

  T: Let’s play this game. Suppose you were one of Kangkang’s friends. Act and let your partner guess what you did at Kangkang’s party.


2. (让学生根据2的节目单, 两人一组对话。)

T:   Now let’s do oral work in pairs, look at the program list in 2 and make conversations with

your partner like this:

A: Hi, Maria. Did you go to Kangkang’s party?

B: Yes, I did.

A: Did you play the guitar?

B: No, I didn’t. I played the piano.

T: Ready? You two. Use your own names.

S1: ××, did you perform kung fu?

S2: No, I didn’t. I performed magic tricks.

Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)


1. (1)(总结动词过去式的变化规律。)

T: Stop! I’ll ask two of you to come to the blackboard. S1 and S2, please come here.

(两名学生站在讲台前面,教师让一名学生做动作, 另一个学生猜, 并将陈述句板书在黑板上, 句子呈现动词过去式的一般规律, 动词+ed。)

T: Now one of you do the action, another guesses what he did.


S2: Did you play volleyball?

S1: Yes, you are right.

T:   We can say “He played volleyball.”

He played volleyball.
He performed magic tricks.
He enjoyed the party.

T: Who can tell me the rules of these verbs?

S1: 词尾+ed。

T: Very good. Let’s go on.


(2)(教师呈现两个图片, 体现动词过去式的第二种变化形式, 以e结尾+d。)

T: Look at the two pictures and find out what they did.

S1: She danced.

S2: She recited a poem.


danced, recited

T: Yes. And can you tell me the rules?

Ss:  词尾+d。

(3)(呈现以辅音字母+y结尾的动词, 让学生了解其过去式的变化, 把y变i+ed。)

T: Please look at the sentences on the blackboard and see how to change it.

(学生不熟悉, 可进行激烈讨论, 教师板书答案。)

He tries his best to do his homework.
→He tried his best to do his homework.

T: Do you know the rules?

Ss:  Yes. 变y为i+ed。

(教师纠正, 必须是辅音字母+y结尾, 才能变y为i+ed。)

(4)(教师做动作, 让学生猜出动作的动词短语, 体现动词过去式表现特殊变化。)

T: This time I do action, you guess.

S1: Sang a song.

T: Yes, good. Let’s sum up the rules.

(总结动词一般过去式变化规律, 板书呈现。)

①词尾+ed ②以e结尾, 直接+d ③辅音+y, 把y变为i, 再+ed ④不规则变化


4. (看黑板上的关键词, 两人一组表演1a, 不能看书, 忘记的部分可用自己的语言去组织。)

T: Work in pairs, close your books and look at the blackboard, then act out the dialog.

S1:  How was Kangkang’s birthday party?

S2:  It was very nice.

Stpe 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)


3. (人机对话。)

T: OK. Now let’s make a conversation with the tape. The tape is Ben and you are Jane.


2. (先自读一遍对话, 然后跟录音机一起读。)

T: First, I’ll give you one minute to read the dialog.

Ss:  (大声朗读并根据黑板上的关键词理解整个对话。)

T:   Follow the tape.


1. (再放1a录音, 学生跟读并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)

T: Now listen to the tape again and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.


4. (让学生看2节目单, 了解演出情况并填空。)

T: Now let’s turn to Page 70. First please look at the program list, then fill in blanks with

proper forms of the verbs.

(让四名学生回答所填答案, 每人一句。)

T: Let’s check the answers. I’ll ask four of you to answer the questions.

S1: …didn’t play…

S2: …played…sang…

S3: …recited…danced…

S4: …performed…was…

T: Very good!

(表扬学生, 让学生感到学习的快乐。)

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)


3. (让学生听1b,并找出正确答案。)

T: Listen to 1b and find out the answers.


T: Time is up. Let’s check the answers:







